Tree Talk

Tree roots extend more than twice the spread of the crown. Roots of neighboring trees inevitably intersect. Thin filaments of fungi also penetrate the ground, operating like fiber-optic Internet cables. They transmit signals from one tree to the next, helping the trees exchange news about insects, drought, and other dangers. www = Wood Wide Web […]

New Life as a Manifestation of Kami

New life, whether it’s the birth of a human of the growth of plants and animals—is an expression of divinity. It is mystical, without doubt.

Wage Peace

This week, I’d like to share with you a lovely poem I’ve found. It’s filled with the power of being positive.

More Shrines

The Mikoshi is a portable shrine, traditionally used for 祭 Matsuri festivals. The kami are transferred into the Mikoshi for the festival, and are carried around as part of the celebration. Weighing over 500 lbs, we carried this up the boat ramp at low tide! Having it safely placed inside the haiden was a cause for celebration!

Prayers for Peace

Last Sunday, we came together to send prayers for peace out on the winds: May peace prevail on Earth. May peace be in our homes and countries. May our missions be accomplished.

Summer Solstice: a Fresh Start

It’s no accident that one of the year’s most important purification rituals takes place at the end of June. We’re halfway through the year already. Time to pause. Reflect on what’s gone well. And what hasn’t. Shinto is all about gratitude. And purification to move forward with the brightness and renewal of our ki, our […]

Forest Bathing in the Rain

Last Saturday it was wet in the Forest. Very wet. And—it was magnificent. The rain brought out different smells—fresh and lively. Deeply earthy. The branches called me to drink water from the leaves. Looking up, the falling drops were a myriad of sizes and speeds. And we made a lovely little discovery: a hummingbird nest. […]

Honk. Honk.

Above: Canada Geese taking their goslings for a stroll down the Pond Path

Mystery and Awe

Above: Ame no Uzume no Mikoto dances to coax Amaterasu no O Kami out of the Rock Cave

Delicacies of Spring

The new growth on the Douglas is bursting forth this week. It’s lovely…and it’s a special treat for the palate! The limey-green tips are tender and have a delicious citrus-pine flavor. Gather them once the papery brown bud sheafs fall off and they are about ½ to 1 ½ inches long. (Note: they are easy […]

2024: Dragons

We have just received the New Years Dragon items!The Omamori carry various prayers for good fortune and protection.The Ema (wooden plaque) invites good fortune. Write your message for the kami on the back.And ringing the suzu (dragon bell) dispells negative energy! Learn more

木漏日 komorebi

There is a Japanese word, komorebi, which has no direct equivalent in English. It roughly translates as “the sunlight filtering through the leaves in the trees.” It is written with 3 kanji. The first kanji 木 means tree(s); the 2nd one 漏 menas “escape” or “leaking through”; the 3rd kanji 日 is “sun.” The interplay of […]