
Senza Sai
Tsubaki Grand Shrine At Knapp Island On March 23 we will conduct the sacred ceremony of Senza Sai to install the kamisama in Tsubaki Grand

Sweeping Away the Mist Sweeping Away the Mist A couple of mornings ago I was walking along the shoreline and visibility on the water was

Walk Slowly Bow Often
Otakiage Completed The burned fiercely, atop the snow covered ground. The many articles from last year were purified and then added to the pyre, returning

Year End always brings a flurry of activity. Planning and shopping for holidays and celebrations with family and friends. Adjusting to the continuing change in

Nature Art
This time of year brings such a wide range of colors and textures. The crimson red of the Japanese maple trees at the Centre take

Find Brightness
There are so many horrific situations in the world. The news brings us real time reports of sorrows, death, and destruction. It can be all

Immanent Spirit Within
I recently had an interesting discussion about spirituality being immanent or transcendent.

Omamori (お守り) are amulets for protection and blessings. The word “omamori” can be translated to “to protect” or “to guard.”

It’s fun! It’s festive!
Shichi Go San is a special Shinto ceremony in gratitude for the safe growth and development of children at these ages.

Omoiyori: Proactive Kindness
The term omoiyari (oh-moh-ee-ya-ree) 思いやりis Japanese term that embodies empathy and consideration.

Tree Talk
Tree roots extend more than twice the spread of the crown. Roots of neighboring trees inevitably intersect. Thin filaments of fungi also penetrate the ground,