Living in the Way of Shinto

Bounty in the Second Half of the Year

Now we begin the second half of the year. At the end of June, we conducted Nagoshi no Oharae, praying for purification and for return to our intrinsic, kami nature. In the Haiden, participants were purified by a shower of kirinusa, blessed pieces of paper and hemp.

We walked through the chinowa 3 times, chanting prayers for health and long life. With each pass-through we dispelled misfortune, and received purification, protection, and happiness.

We transferred any transgressions or impurities accumulated to the katashiro (white paper dolls) which were then thrown into the ocean, to be swallowed and purified by the kami.

Summer is now in full swing. We are enjoying the bounty of crops—fruits and vegetables—and the verdant greens of the forests, orchards, and flower beds.

Let us “bookend” each day with gratitude to the kami. Each morning, express your delight in the gift of a new day and new opportunities. Each evening, give thanks for the positive and bright aspects of your day.

This is the way of Shinto.