May Peace Prevail on Earth

When we think and pray ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth,’ all people are embraced by those deep and vast words of love, even though we may not be praying for them directly. All the people who are unloved, all the people who are unforgiven, all the innocent children, all the tiny organisms whom no one sees or prays for, are included.

On the north point of Knapp Island, there is a PEACE POLE where we pause to reflect and to send prayers for peace around the world.

It is far too easy to feel overwhelmed by the coverage we see daily of wars and violence. Instead, today I would like to take a moment to focus on the tremendous amounts of positive energy, care, and compassion that is being generated daily by people around the globe. Through prayer, caregivers, mediators, community leaders, and so many others.

I’d like to share with you some background on the Peace Pole.

The Peace Prayer movement was founded in 1955 by the late Japanese philosopher Masahisa Goi who advocated a neutral, non-sectarian movement for world peace that transcends religion, politics, and ethnicity. This launched the Peace Pole Project, and through grassroots efforts over 200,000 Peace Poles have been “planted” around the world. To see these locations on an interactive map, click here.

Our Peace Pole is “planted” on the northeast point of Chinju no Mori, the Sacred Forest. “May Peace Prevail On Earth” is inscribed in English, Japanese, Spanish, and Tibetan.

Goi Sensei’s vision was that words carry vibrations strong enough to inspire, heal and transform the human heart as well as the Kingdom of plants, animals and all creation. This is the power of kotodama, that words have a spirit and carry an energy all their own. Thus, the act of sending prayers and words of positive energy for Peace can, in itself, bring healing to our world.

It’s a simple prayer. It has powerful intention. Share it from your heart, from your home. When walking in the forest at Shin Mei, broadcast it across the ocean.

May peace prevail on Earth.

May peace be in our homes and countries.

May our missions be accomplished.

Sekai jinrui ga heiwa de arimasu yō ni,

Watashitachi no tenmei ga kanusaremasu yō ni,

Toiu inori kokoro ga daijina no de arimasu

世界(せかい) 人類(じんるい) が 平和(へいわ)で ありますように、

私達(わたくしたち) の 天命(てんめい) が 完(かん) うされますように、

という祈(いの) り心(こころ) が大事(だいじ) なのであります。